Women & Child Development |
(i) STREE SHAKTI KENDRAS- The main objective of Stree Shakti Subidha kendras are to empower women through different support mechanism. With the support of Mission Convergence, Govt.of NCT of Delhi SAVE has been running two Stree Shakti Kendra (Empowerment of Women through Govt. facilitated Gender resource Centers) in East and North East District of Delhi. An empowered and delighted women ensures that her family benefits from her and unleash a chain that would push development agenda up the scale to encompass all its entirety. Through GRCs we provide:
Vocational Training & Skill Development Programmes
Beauty culture is comparatively a new trade for the women who are from low income group although this trade was very popular since last eighties among middle and upper middle class women as a specialized profession. But now a days it become popular among the women of low income group, more and more women are taking interest to get themselves trained in this field. On the other hand women and girls of today are more conscious about health and beauty. As a result after training women are getting opportunity to earn their livelihood. |
Beauty culture is comparatively a new trade for the women who are from low income group although this trade was very popular since last eighties among middle and upper middle class women as a specialized profession. But now a days it become popular among the women of low income group, more and more women are taking interest to get themselves trained in this field. On the other hand women and girls of today are more conscious about health and beauty. As a result after training women are getting opportunity to earn their livelihood. |
In view of environmental concern and ban on plastic bags, now Jute products demands are on high. Keeping in view of above we are imparting training on Jute Craft. After getting training, beneficiaries are getting opportunity to earn their livelihood very easily.
Cutting & Stitching is convenient trade for women and it is one of the most popular professions among women and girls because of job opportunity and low investment for setting up of business unit. It is also easy for trained women and girls to obtain work order from different garment manufacturing units and can work at home which ultimately give economic independence to the women.
After completing above training programs, beneficiaries are able to get good job opportunity and few are able to set up their own business unit.
The Non Formal Education component is also divided into three parts i.e Adult Education, Remedial Education and Education for the dropout school children.
This component is specially designed for the ladies who are illiterate or neo literate. Our education team identify these women from the community and counseled them for getting themselves enrolled in our Adult Education programme. This component paved the path for the women towards a new independent world who wanted to something for their own but due to illiteracy they could not.
Through this component we provide remedial education to the school going children. |
Age wise we prepare batches of school drop -out children and then provide education as per need so that they can be ready for the forthcoming school admission session. Mainstreaming is our basic motto because we believe that education is our basic right so each and every children should the opportunity to go to school. |
Twice a month health clinics are there in the GRC premises. Qualified Doctors visit the clinic for the checkup of the patients. On bimonthly basis we organize health camps with an intention to benefit the community people of the target area. Wide publicity through loudspeakers, distribution of handbills, banners, puppet shows and street plays are the few publicity measures we adopt prior organizing the health camp because this results in a huge turnout during the camp date. A huge number of people takebenefit of the camp in some form or the other. People avail the facility of free health check-up and distribution of medicines in the camp. The camp offers separate counters for General Physician OPD, Gynecology OPD , and Pediatric OPD. These bimonthly camps also offer theme based separate counter for example family planning, Child & Maternal Health, Immunization, DOTS, ICTC, Diabetes etc. Computerized systems are also setup for the occasion so that visitors can avail the benefit of SGSRY scheme, RSBY as well as UID enrolment. All the visitors get information about the various schemes run by Delhi Govt. through a different information counter at the starting point of the camp. |
We organize nutrition camp on monthly basis. Experts from the concerned field counseled the community women by focusing on different topics related to health & nutrition. What we do- |
Beside the above there so many other activities we take up through our GRC for the overall community development i.e WATER & SANITATION PROGRAMME, Awaaz Uthao Campaign, Healthy Sanitation habit for Women, facilitation of schemes like RSBY, SJSRY, UID, Social Welfare & Labour Department related scheme, etc. |
Objectives :
SAVE with the support of UP mahila Kalyan Nigam, has been imparting training to the women who do not have access to paid vocational Institutions due to poor economic condition. Keeping this in view SAVE impart Skill Enhancement Programme to these women so that they can earn their livelihood as per the local need. More than 180 candidates has been successfully trained in trades like Soft Toys Making & Art & Craft. |
News And Updates |
Vacancy Notice |
Project Manager for VT Centre at Mumbai
Position: Project Manager (One )
Salary: Rs.25000 per month
Job Location: Mumbai
Qualification & Experience:
He should be a Post Graduate with 5 years experience Livelihood programmes & Microfinance.
Interested candidates may send their latest CV by email to: save_org@yahoo.co.in or on whatsapp no: 9811783723 by 05.03.22 |
Vacancy Notice |
Society for Advancement of Village Economy (SAVE) has the following vacancy for its Targeted Intervention Project for Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Ashram area of South East District of Delhi.
Position: Outreach Worker (ORW)- 1 position
Salary: Rs.7500 per month + 1125 (TA) (as per prescribed guideline DSACS)
Job Location: Ashram, Delhi
Qualification & Experience:
 At least 8th standard or above qualification.
 Experience of working as community worker/ peer educator and/or understanding of issues concerning FSW.
 Candidates belonging to High Risk Group (HRG) community, so far as HIV/AIDS is concerned, will be preferred.
Key Responsibilities:
 In charge of project outreach and supervision of Peer Educators, counseling, linkages etc.
 Visit to assigned areas for conducting meetings, registration of HRGs and delivery of programme services with the help of Peer Educators
 Preparation of micro plans, monthly action plans etc.
 Other activities as assigned by project manager and management
How to Apply:
Interested candidates may come with their latest CV at TI office: A1/3, Ground Floor, Hari Nagar, Ashram, Delhi-110014 or contact Project Manager at her mobile no: 8920274620.
Thanking you,
Project Manager
TI(FSW) Project, SAVE
A1/3, Ground Floor,
Hari Nagar, Ashram,
Mob. no: 8920274620
SAVE has partnered with AMEX and BCCL for implementing Teach India Program in Delhi/NCR. |
SAVE introduces low cost Sanitary Napkins: An initiation of SHGs of SAVE & WASME |
SAVE introduces low cost Sanitary Napkins: An initiation of SHGs of SAVE & WASME
Development sector/CBOs/NGOs interested to engage their SHGs for income generation activities can approach us for trade enquiry.
Contact detail:
(M): 9811489441 |
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Govt. of India. |
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India |
Generous Donations by Individuals |
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India. |
Vacancy Notice |
Society for Advancement of Village Economy (SAVE) has the following vacancy for its Targeted Intervention Project for Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Ashram area of South East District of Delhi. |
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