Skill Development Programs |
The need for giving emphasis on the Skill Development, especially for the less educated, poor and out of school youth has been highlighted in various forums. The skill level and educational attainment of the work force determines the productivity, income levels as well as the adaptability of the working class in changing environment. Large percentage of population in India is living below poverty line. One of the important causes is lower percentage of skilled persons in the workforce.
The skill development at present is taking place mostly in the informal way, i.e. persons acquire skill at the work-place when they help their parents, relatives and employers etc. Such persons do not have a formal certificate and thus earn lower wages and are exploited by employers. They have come through informal system due to socio-economic circumstances of the family and the compulsions of earning a livelihood rather than attending a formal course. While their productivity is low, their contribution to the national GDP cannot be ignored. If the country can create a system of certification which not only recognizes their skills but also provides education and training in a mode that suits their economic compulsions, it will not only benefit the workforce to earn a decent living but also contribute to the national economy by better productivity of this workforce. In view of the above SAVE has initiated lots of Skill development programs which are as follows:
SAVE with the support of Ministry of Small Scale Industry, Govt. of India has far completed more than 60 training programmes in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi benefitting more 1600 beneficiaries in the following trades: |
2. TECOS: |
The technical education community outreach scheme (TECOS) service is an initiative of the Department of Training and Technical Education; Government of NCT Delhi in partnership with the non-governmental organisations to provide technical skill based training to the poor and needy segment of the society. |
This project aims at delivering training programme for uplifting the quality of life the target group of persons by enabling them to gain self /wage employment. |
SAVE being the partner NGO to implement this programme in East Delhi has setup a technical training education centre in Jhilmil Colony/Vivek Vihar. Through this center we provide training in the following trades: |
This project began in March 2008 with community survey carried out by SAVE to identify candidates from the community. This process was further strengthened with publicity campaign of the scheme.
SCVT/ITI is the certification agency designated by the department. |
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News And Updates |
Vacancy Notice |
Project Manager for VT Centre at Mumbai
Position: Project Manager (One )
Salary: Rs.25000 per month
Job Location: Mumbai
Qualification & Experience:
He should be a Post Graduate with 5 years experience Livelihood programmes & Microfinance.
Interested candidates may send their latest CV by email to: or on whatsapp no: 9811783723 by 05.03.22 |
Vacancy Notice |
Society for Advancement of Village Economy (SAVE) has the following vacancy for its Targeted Intervention Project for Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Ashram area of South East District of Delhi.
Position: Outreach Worker (ORW)- 1 position
Salary: Rs.7500 per month + 1125 (TA) (as per prescribed guideline DSACS)
Job Location: Ashram, Delhi
Qualification & Experience:
 At least 8th standard or above qualification.
 Experience of working as community worker/ peer educator and/or understanding of issues concerning FSW.
 Candidates belonging to High Risk Group (HRG) community, so far as HIV/AIDS is concerned, will be preferred.
Key Responsibilities:
 In charge of project outreach and supervision of Peer Educators, counseling, linkages etc.
 Visit to assigned areas for conducting meetings, registration of HRGs and delivery of programme services with the help of Peer Educators
 Preparation of micro plans, monthly action plans etc.
 Other activities as assigned by project manager and management
How to Apply:
Interested candidates may come with their latest CV at TI office: A1/3, Ground Floor, Hari Nagar, Ashram, Delhi-110014 or contact Project Manager at her mobile no: 8920274620.
Thanking you,
Project Manager
TI(FSW) Project, SAVE
A1/3, Ground Floor,
Hari Nagar, Ashram,
Mob. no: 8920274620
SAVE has partnered with AMEX and BCCL for implementing Teach India Program in Delhi/NCR. |
SAVE introduces low cost Sanitary Napkins: An initiation of SHGs of SAVE & WASME |
SAVE introduces low cost Sanitary Napkins: An initiation of SHGs of SAVE & WASME
Development sector/CBOs/NGOs interested to engage their SHGs for income generation activities can approach us for trade enquiry.
Contact detail:
(M): 9811489441 |
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Govt. of India. |
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India |
Generous Donations by Individuals |
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India. |
Vacancy Notice |
Society for Advancement of Village Economy (SAVE) has the following vacancy for its Targeted Intervention Project for Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Ashram area of South East District of Delhi. |
Read more news |