Having identified health, literacy and income generating skills as the three significant components impacting empowerment of women, it is necessary to ensure that existing health care facilities are availed by the target group of women and the existing literacy and income generation activities are brought to the notice of these women.
In the conventional approach, the expectation is that the members of the target group would reach the institutions/programmes. In the camp approach, the underlying concept is that these institutions/programmes would reach the target group at almost their doorstep within a fixed period. Hence with the support of Social Welfare Dept. Govt. of Delhi SAVE had organized 6 Stree Shakti camps in Nehru Vihar and Qurawal Nagar area of North East Delhi District.
These camps had three components namely : health, literacy and income generation skill.
To empower each and every woman in the community to achieve her fullest potential, protected from illness and injury-whether physical or emotional and to ably lead a healthy and respectful life by promoting sustainable use of available resources
  • To address issues of Health of Women
  • To address issues of Empowering Women through Community Involvement
  • To demonstrate the desire of the Government to reach out to the Target Group at its doorsteps
  • To promote alternate system of Healing
  • To disseminate information on Vocational Skill Training, Legal Awareness and HIV/AIDS Prevention
  • To promote Community Participation through involvement of Community Based Organizations and Individual Volunteers
A typical Stree Shakti Camp starts early on a Sunday and goes on till the afternoon. The essential components of each Camp are: Registration, Medical Check Up, Basic Pathological Test, Distribution of Free Medicines and Identification of Referrals for subsequent treatment.
  • Health facilities-Preventive, Curative and Informative
  • Identification of needy catchment area
  • Survey and pre-registration of needy beneficiaries
  • Community Mobilization through Mobilizers and local community volunteers
Evolves innovative health care practices
  • Collective package of informative, preventive & curative health services.
  • Expansion of hospital care services through better utilization of existing facilities (Stree Shakti Cards: Referral Services)
  • Camp clinics serve the gate-keeping function for identifying women in need of higher order health care services
  • About 3000 women benefited from these camps.
About 3000 women benefited from these camps.
SAVE with the support of Dept. of Women & Child Development organized Programme on Importance of Breast Feeding in Qurawal Nagar area of North East Delhi District. 100 women and lactating mothers benefitted through these programmes.
SAVE runs a Charitable Dispensary near Vivek Vihar, East Delhi. In the run-up of the Dispensary, a prolonged strategy has been drawn by experts, SAVE officials and volunteers to get the maximum turnout for the Dispensary and also provide proper medical treatment.

The aims and objectives of the Dispensary have been briefly enumerated below:
a) To make the women of the target area, conscious of their health status;
b) To acquaint the women with the requisite medical knowledge pertaining to pregnancy, lactation and to avail proper treatment in such delicate circumstances;
c) To make the target beneficiaries (Male & Female both) aware of the different vitamin-deficiency diseases and counseling them on their prevention;
d) To make the people aware of the alarming problem of HIV/AIDS, the need to fight it and counter the social stigma attached to it;
e) To make the people aware of various communicable and non-communicable diseases like malaria, dengue, cholera, diarrhoea, cancer, leprosy, tuberculosis, STDs like syphilis and gonorrhea, etc and the ways and means to prevent them;
f) To educate the women on childcare and provide appropriate treatment to children beneficiaries;
g) To make the people aware about the need for proper nutrition and a healthy diet and how to preserve the nutritional value of food while cooking;
h) To create an overall atmosphere of treatment for the target people of the area.
MONTHLY OPD: Twice a month Health Clinics are there in the GRC premises at Jwala Nagar & Nand Nagri. Qualified Doctors visit the clinic for the checkup & free medicine distributions to the patients.
HEALTH CAMPS: On bimonthly basis we organize health camps with an intention to benefit the community people of the target area. Wide publicity through loudspeakers, distribution of handbills, banners, puppet shows and street plays are the few publicity measures we adopt prior organizing the health camp because this results in a huge turnout during the camp date.  A huge number of people take benefit of the camp in some form or the other. People avail the facility of free health check-up and distribution of medicines in the camp. The camp offers separate counters for General Physician OPD, Gynecology OPD , and Pediatric OPD. These bimonthly camps also offer theme based separate counter for example family planning, Child & Maternal Health, Immunization, DOTS, ICTC, Diabetes etc. All the visitors get information about the various schemes run by Delhi Govt. through a different information counter at the starting point of the camp.
We organize nutrition camp on monthly basis. Experts from the concerned field counseled the community women by focusing on different topics related to health & nutrition. What we do-
  • Awareness activities: Demonstration on nutrient food by experts from food and nutrition department
  • Provide tips for healthy eating
  • How to maintain body weight according to height
  • Distribution of nutrient and instant food (cerealac) to children
  • Balanced diet for a lactating mother
  • Diet for Elderly
  • Health eating habit for preventing diet related chronic diseases
On regular basis we organize free Dental and Eye checkup camps with the support of Amway group/Rotary Club/NDPL etc. More than 250 patients take benefit from one dental camp and approx. 300 patients take benefit from free eye checkup camp where we provide medicine and specks free of cost to the beneficiaries.
RSBY SCHEME: SAVE has been also working for Rastriya Swasth Bima Yojana. Under this scheme we enroll Beneficiaries. A large number of people are getting benefit through this scheme. Different Nurshing Homes , Govt., Non Govt. Hospitals are in the panel of RSBY scheme where needy beneficiaries can go and avail the health benefit of upto Rs.30,000/- in a year
News And Updates
Vacancy Notice
Project Manager for VT Centre at Mumbai Position: Project Manager (One ) Salary: Rs.25000 per month Job Location: Mumbai Qualification & Experience: He should be a Post Graduate with 5 years experience Livelihood programmes & Microfinance. Interested candidates may send their latest CV by email to: save_org@yahoo.co.in or on whatsapp no: 9811783723 by 05.03.22
Vacancy Notice
Society for Advancement of Village Economy (SAVE) has the following vacancy for its Targeted Intervention Project for Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Ashram area of South East District of Delhi. Position: Outreach Worker (ORW)- 1 position Salary: Rs.7500 per month + 1125 (TA) (as per prescribed guideline DSACS) Job Location: Ashram, Delhi Qualification & Experience:  At least 8th standard or above qualification.  Experience of working as community worker/ peer educator and/or understanding of issues concerning FSW.  Candidates belonging to High Risk Group (HRG) community, so far as HIV/AIDS is concerned, will be preferred. Key Responsibilities:  In charge of project outreach and supervision of Peer Educators, counseling, linkages etc.  Visit to assigned areas for conducting meetings, registration of HRGs and delivery of programme services with the help of Peer Educators  Preparation of micro plans, monthly action plans etc.  Other activities as assigned by project manager and management How to Apply: Interested candidates may come with their latest CV at TI office: A1/3, Ground Floor, Hari Nagar, Ashram, Delhi-110014 or contact Project Manager at her mobile no: 8920274620. Thanking you, Project Manager TI(FSW) Project, SAVE A1/3, Ground Floor, Hari Nagar, Ashram, Delhi-110014 Mob. no: 8920274620
SAVE has partnered with AMEX and BCCL for implementing Teach India Program in Delhi/NCR.
SAVE introduces low cost Sanitary Napkins: An initiation of SHGs of SAVE & WASME
SAVE introduces low cost Sanitary Napkins: An initiation of SHGs of SAVE & WASME Development sector/CBOs/NGOs interested to engage their SHGs for income generation activities can approach us for trade enquiry. Contact detail: save_org@yahoo.co.in (M): 9811489441
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Govt. of India.
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India
Generous Donations by Individuals
SAVE has been appointed as Institutional National Level Monitor of Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India.
Vacancy Notice
Society for Advancement of Village Economy (SAVE) has the following vacancy for its Targeted Intervention Project for Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Ashram area of South East District of Delhi.
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